Il-Belliegħa Level 15
Malevolent well spirit

49 Hit Points


Initiative: d20+3d10 Speed: 30

  • Guard 26
  • Toughness 27
  • Resolve 26

Whenever a damaging attack exceeds the target's defense by 5 or more, you may automatically inflict that bane. When making a bane attack to inflict the chosen bane, you gain advantage 2 on the bane attack roll.

Any time you make a resist roll, you have advantage 1 on the roll.

Reduce the multi-attack disadvantage penalty by 6. Before attacking, you may declare that you are multi-attacking, and must state how many extra attacks (maximum of 1 + half your level, rounded up) you would like to make. ALL of your attacks this round suffer disadvantage equal to 3 times the number of additional attacks you declare (i.e., if you make 2 attacks, you suffer disadvantage 3; 3 attacks suffers disadvantage 6).

  • Agility (+3d10) vs Guard
    • Longbow
    • Hatchet
  • Might (+4d8) vs Guard
    • Pitchfork
    • Naginata


  • Blinded (Resist ends (Fail x 3 = 1 minute))
    • Agility (+3d10) vs. Guard
  • Deafened (Resist ends (Fail x 3 = 1 minute))
    • Agility (+3d10) vs. Guard
  • Death (Resist ends (special) (Fail x 3 = Permanent))
    • Agility (+3d10) vs. Toughness
  • Demoralized (Resist (minor) ends (Fail x 3 = 1 minute))
    • Agility (+3d10) vs. Resolve at PL 8
    • Might (+4d8) vs. Resolve at PL 8
  • Disarmed (Instantaneous)
    • Agility (+3d10) vs. Guard at PL 6
    • Might (+4d8) vs. Guard at PL 6
  • Fear (Special)
    • Might (+4d8) vs. Resolve
  • Forced Move (Instantaneous)
    • Agility (+3d10) vs. Guard at PL 8
    • Might (+4d8) vs. Guard at PL 8
  • Immobile (Resist ends (special) (Fail x 3 = 1 minute))
    • Agility (+3d10) vs. Guard
    • Might (+4d8) vs. Guard
  • Incapacitated (Resist ends (Fail x 3 = 1 minute))
    • Agility (+3d10) vs. Toughness at PL 9
  • Knockdown (Instantaneous)
    • Agility (+3d10) vs. Guard
    • Might (+4d8) vs. Guard
  • Persistent Damage (Resist ends (Fail x 3 = 1 minute))
    • Agility (+3d10) vs. Guard at PL 9
  • Provoked (Resist (minor) ends (Fail x 3 = 1 minute))
    • Agility (+3d10) vs. Resolve at PL 9
    • Might (+4d8) vs. Resolve at PL 9
  • Silenced (Resist ends (Fail x 3 = 1 minute))
    • Agility (+3d10) vs. Toughness
    • Might (+4d8) vs. Toughness
  • Slowed (Resist ends (Fail x 3 = 1 minute))
    • Agility (+3d10) vs. Guard
    • Might (+4d8) vs. Guard
  • Stunned (Resist ends (Fail x 3 = 1 minute))
    • Agility (+3d10) vs. Toughness
    • Might (+4d8) vs. Toughness

NPC Generator

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Legendary creature names and descriptions sourced from Wikipedia.